
You and your family are entering a new season of life and you have decided to seek additional help in the nutrition department.. You've come to the right place!

I want to take a moment to offer some praise because what your body is doing is incredible, exhausting and ever changing.

By taking the next step and learning more about the needs of you and your baby, you are truly setting yourself up for success. Don't forget to be proud of that!

This course has been intentionally designed for mamas who are seeking knowledge and direction in regards to nutrition. The way you nourish yourself during pregnancy will shape the health of your baby not only in infancy but lifelong as well.

By the end of this course, you will have the tools you need to plan + enjoy meals that meet all of your nutrition needs while also satisfing your cravings!

Heres what you can expect:

  • 6 lessons that will allow you to optimize your diet for a healthy pregnancy & baby
  • Downloadable slides for each lesson
  • Meal plans
  • Handout listing the most important nutrients and their food sources
  • How to soothe nausea and food aversions
  • Coupon codes for trusted supplement brands
  • Postnatal/breastfeeding tips & tricks

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 1 - Essential Macros
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 2- The "Red Flags" of a Typical Prenatal Diet (and What We Recommend)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 3: The Ideal Prenatal Diet
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 4: First Trimester Nausea, Food Aversions and a 4-week Meal Plan
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 5: Prenatal Supplements
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Lesson 6: Breastfeeding and Postnatal Support
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Final Thoughts
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor: Erin Skinner

Hello and welcome! My passion is helping people re-claim their wellness using the power of nutrition. If you're sick of diets that fail and ready for a science-based, realistic approach that really've come to the right place!

I've helped thousands like you to heal their metabolism, re-gain their energy, and put their life on the path they've dreamed of. My belief is that you have everything you need to be successful. You just need the right resources, the right support, and a way to implement it in 'real life'. This course is designed to provide that for you, so that you can succeed.

If you're curious to hear more about me, I am a military veteran and Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with over 14 years of healthcare experience. I started my career helping military aircrew and special forces to optimize their performance, including best nutrition practices.

Through my own health journey, I experienced the frustration of feeling under-served by the traditional medical community. So, I transitioned to the world of integrative and functional nutrition where I have helped thousands of patients experience the relief of finding the root cause of their illnesses, then resolving them with the individualized nutrition plans.

Seeing my patients’ success made me passionate about functional medicine, but I was frustrated by the lack of access (as it is typically very expensive). I pursued my license to become an Integrative and Functional Certified Nutritional Practitioner and co-created one of the nation’s first insurance-based functional medicine clinics, the Inspire Health Center. The success of this clinic proved to me that functional Medicine can be accessible through insurance, and that the key is to work with a trained Registered Dietitian. Empowered Nutrition is the continuation of this vision: to make the next generation of healthcare accessible to all.

I also teach other nutrition professionals how to develop effective nutrition plans for patients who suffer from gastrointestinal conditions such as IBS, IBD, Celiac, reflux, GERD, and SIBO. As the co-founder of the SIBO Academy, I have become a nationally renowned expert in gastrointestinal-focused nutrition.

One key to my effectiveness as a nutrition therapist is staying close to the newest science. I am currently doing this by pursuing my Doctor in Clinical Nutrition (DCN) through Rutgers University. I also like to translate the science into every day, applicable language, such as in my book, the Bone Broth Miracle Diet and in the Empowered Nutrition Podcast.

Finally, I love to connect with and encourage others. I am compassionate and always put the experience of my patients first. Years of successfully working with patients in nutrition coaching and counseling have led me to develop my philosophy: the perfect diet only works if it’s delivered in a way that is caring and supportive.

Aside from my nutrition career, I spend my time with my husband and three boys. As a military family, we love to explore the area and create adventures.

Motherhood is one of the most amazing and simultaneously challenging experiences of your life. Your emotions will run high, your time will be stretched thin and your lack of patience may kick in.

By taking care of yourself, welcoming support and prioritizing your overall health, you are setting yourself up for success.

: A well-nourished and healthy mother is just as important as a healthy child.

You're a unique individual. Your genetics, environment, medical history, pregnancy, and preferences all might slightly change the approach you should take with your prenatal nutrition.

Our Prenatal Dietitian Nutritionists can help you individualize your plan for your specific needs. We accept some insurance plans and also have cash pay packages. Sometimes, insurance will reimburse for cash pay packages as well.

If you'd like some individualized help with optimizing your nutrition for pregnancy or postpartum, please reach out to us via our website: There, you can give us a call, send us a message, or schedule a short discovery call with our team.

Get started today and lets nourish that baby!!